L'informatique Simplifiée!
Chez SimplicITI International, c'est simple!
Nous nous concentrons sur une seule chose!
Le cloud computing.
La téléphonie Internationale en cloud
Les sauvegardes et Archives en cloud
L'informatique en cloud

Cloud, iot, sécurité, réseaux, téléphonie

Cloud, iot, sécurité, réseaux, téléphonie

Cloud, iot, sécurité, réseaux, téléphonie
L'informatique Simplifiée!
Chez SimplicITI International, c'est simple!
Nous nous concentrons sur une seule chose!
Le cloud computing.
La téléphonie Internationale en cloud
Les sauvegardes et Archives en cloud
L'informatique en cloud

Cloud, iot, sécurité, réseaux, téléphonie

Cloud, iot, sécurité, réseaux, téléphonie

Cloud, iot, sécurité, réseaux, téléphonie

Cloud, iot, sécurité, réseaux, téléphonie

Cloud, iot, sécurité, réseaux, téléphonie

Cloud, iot, sécurité, réseaux, téléphonie
IT / Security / Networks
The efficiency and flexibility of the cloud
IT / Security / Networks
Share files safely. Manage network security. Folders you want to protect. Uneven Wi-Fi in your business. Dated equipment?
Let's take the time to see the challenges one by one!

With the cloud solution, your office explodes. You are no longer physically confined to one place.
This mobility brings its share of security issues.

It is very easy to be overwhelmed by the IT world. We can help you define your needs while taking into account your IT assets and build a solution just for you according to your budget and your time constraints.
Whether it is to acquire new computers, to choose the right software or to set up access to servers or documents, step by step we support you. Our certified technicians and engineers will be able to put their talents to work for you!
LAN Networks
Router, switch and firewall are three of the fundamental aspects of your network. They must be up-to-date and well configured to give all possible security to your environment.
Our Network Architect can assess and certify the security of your network and allow you to focus on your business.
Viruses, Trojans, worms, phishing, ransomware, data theft...the list goes on. How can I protect myself?
With our team, we can optimize the security of your environment. Creation of roles and permissions, security rules, connection management, monitoring and alerts are available for you.
WiFi Networks
Your Wi-Fi is spotty in your office? You need wifi on a large / very large area? Our network engineer and wave propagation engineer are here for you! Whether outdoors or indoors, whether you need to connect 3 users or 3000, we will design a network tailored to your needs!